Job Shop


Welcome to our Makerspace Job Shop, a unique platform designed to bring your creative projects to life! Whether you’re looking to prototype a new product, craft a unique piece of art, or build a custom piece of furniture, our job shop connects you with skilled makers eager to help. Simply submit a detailed description of your project, and our talented community members will review your proposal and bring their expertise to the table. You’ll receive bids or direct responses from interested makers, allowing you to discuss your project’s specifics, timelines, and budgets directly with them. We manage the administrative and financial aspects, ensuring a seamless, secure, and efficient process from concept to completion. Dive into a collaborative experience where your ideas meet the skilled craftsmanship of our dedicated makers!

Job Submission

Submit What you want to be made and we will get back to you on if we have a member who will be able to do it and how much it will cost.